Thursday, December 27, 2018

Take a Break: Scheduled messages during school vacations with ClassTag

I try really hard not to do a ton of work during school breaks. I really need the time to rest, and I want to spend time with my family and friends, not worrying about work I could or should do. However, I also like to encourage students to practice their instruments over breaks, since many of them have more relaxed schedules. With ClassTag, I was able to set up messages to be sent out over break before I left school last week. It's super easy to schedule announcements for any time in the future. After clicking the giant plus sign in the right hand corner and choosing "Announcement", this screen pops up. Fill in the fields, then click "add send time" in order to schedule it for the future.

Scheduled announcements are super handy for many different purposes, and make it easier to maintain work-life balance while communicating with families at a time that works for them. ClassTag's stats let me see how many families read my announcements. I notice that they are more likely to get read if I schedule them to go out during evening hours (likely because many parents aren't working at that time), so adding a send time is an easy way to improve communication with families.

Ready to sign up for ClassTag and level up your home-school communication? Sign up here !

--I am a ClassTag ambassador. I receive ClassTag coins and referral incentives for sharing how I use ClassTag in my teaching, but really do believe in their service and think it's useful for teachers.

I hope all teachers are having a relaxing, enjoyable break!

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