Sunday, November 25, 2018


This Thanksgiving break, I've been reflecting on the good in my teaching situation. It's very easy to get caught up in the "could be" "should be" mentality, and while there are things that could be improved, I'm really lucky and have a lot to be thankful for:

  • I'm thankful that all students in my school have music taught by a trained music teacher.
  • I'm thankful that my school has a music room (a lot of schools don't), a dedicated space for music making.
  • I'm thankful that I have supportive colleagues I can confide in.
  • I'm thankful that my students have instruments to play, and that they're able to experience a wide variety of high-quality instruments in music class.
  • I'm thankful that grants help me get more instruments for my students and replace those that are worn or damaged.
  • I'm thankful for the enthusiasm of my students.
  • I'm thankful for supportive families who bring students to outside events and rehearsals beyond the school day.
Things aren't perfect in my school or any other, but I'll be going back to school tomorrow filled with gratitude for what my students and I have.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Managing Huge School Events is a Breeze with ClassTag!

The biggest event of my school year has come and gone! October flew by since it was consumed by preparing for Cantonstock, a big music concert and fundraiser day that my school system puts on. As one of the music teachers, it's my Super Bowl. Getting information to all my students' families is essential to making the event happen. We need students to arrive at different times depending upon what groups they perform with, and need parent volunteers throughout the day to help. In addition, many students are trying to perform around sporting events and other commitments and require more detailed information on timing and logistics. ClassTag makes communicating all of that super easy!

First of all, ClassTag makes it easy to set up multiple classes. This is key for those of us who teach many different groups of students. Here's the list of classes I see in my account:
I'm able to separate out each section of my band, have a group for my Orff ensemble, and share a class that I co-teach with another teacher so we can both send out announcements and communicate with families. This is so much easier than many communication tools - no more email lists, confusing groups, or limit to the number of sections you can set up!

I was able to set up Cantonstock as an event for each of my classes. An event within ClassTag allows all the information regarding any sort of time-bound activity to be kept in one place. In addition to concerts and out-of-school events, I could see this being used to remind parents to return permission forms, or to help families remember days off school or special events like pajama day and field trips. It's really easy to create an event, and the form helps make it easy to remember to add all the details:
 ClassTag can even remind parents of events with weekly emails! It's also easy to schedule announcements about events (I set up everything in early October for an event in early November) in order to save time during those busy weeks while still keeping parents in the loop.

Events are just one feature of ClassTag, but it's a very useful one for sure. If you'd like to sign up and try it yourself, please consider using my link. Thanks for reading!

--I am a ClassTag ambassador. I receive ClassTag coins and referral incentives for sharing how I use ClassTag in my teaching, but really do believe in their service and think it's useful for teachers.

A Look at DESE's Cited Sources: Results of a Critical Look at the Initial Reopening Guidance References

Note: I've been doing a lot more work around education safety lately, but moved it away from this blog. I founded Massachusetts Educatio...