Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Look at DESE's Cited Sources: Footnote #43, #46, and #47 - Hand Hygiene Recommendations

DESE Claim 1 (footnote #43): "While handwashing with soap and water is the best option, alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60 percent ethanol or at least 70 percent isopropanol) may be utilized when handwashing is not available"

DESE Claim 2 (footnote #46): "When handwashing, individuals should use soap and water to wash all surfaces of their hands for at least 20 seconds, wait for visible lather, rinse thoroughly, and dry with an individual disposable towel"

DESE Claim 3 (footnote #47): "If handwashing is not feasible, hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent ethanol or at least 70 percent isopropanol content can be used."

Cited Source: CDC, Hand Hygiene Recommendations. (2020, May 17). Available at

Peer Reviewed?: no - government recommendations

Study Methodology: N/A - public health guidance

Notes: This is the CDC's guidance for hand hygiene to prevent the spread of COVID-19. "Hand hygiene is an important part of the U.S. response to the international emergence of COVID-19. Practicing hand hygiene, which includes the use of alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) or handwashing, is a simple yet effective way to prevent the spread of pathogens and infections in healthcare settings. CDC recommendations reflect this important role." In a medical setting, the CDC recommends hand sanitizer over hand washing due to better compliance. 

Supports DESE Claim 1?: Somewhat. The CDC guidance encourages sanitizer over hand washing in healthcare settings, while the DESE document seems to favor hand washing as the preference.

Supports DESE Claim 2?: Yes. 20 seconds is the recommended amount of time for hand washing on the site.

Supports DESE Claim 3?: Yes

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